Fundraise for The INN

Fundraise for The INN

Helping those in Need in the Community

Many innovative fundraising events have already taken place or are done annually to assist the Inn with needed financing for food and shelter needs.

The Shamrock Shuffle is an annual walk-run event organized by a group of local runners with a portion of the proceeds going to the Inn.

A 12 Hour Christmas Music Marathon took place in 2017,2018 and 2019. This event was hosted by Central United Church with participation from local musical groups, church choirs etc. These are just a couple of examples of fundraising ideas.

If you have an idea and would like to help raise funds for the Inn out of the Cold program please contact us by or call 519-933-9895.

Are You Holding A Fundraising Event Or Know Someone Who Is?

Please let us know so we can assist with promotion as well as ensure donors receive applicable tax receipts and acknowledgement! Together we can ensure The Inn is available for all who need our services!!

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