Are you 16 years old or older, from St. Thomas - Elgin, and have no permanent address?
Are you in urgent need of a secure place to stay, nourishing food, appropriate clothing, essential hygiene supplies?
At the INN, we provide 24/7 assistance and support. If you are in need of help, please refer to the following information on how to access our services.
How to Access Services
The INN is located at 10 Princess Ave St. Thomas, Ontario. If you require immediate assistance, please contact us at 519-637-9898. Our compassionate staff is available to listen, assess your needs and provide guidance on the next steps.
Outside the Area or Otherwise Ineligible?
If you reside outside our designated service area or if there are specific eligibility criteria that prevent you from accessing our services, please call 211 for help.
Call 211 Ontario Visit 211Ontario.caOur Generous Funders and Corporate Supporters
We are grateful for the invaluable support and collaboration of our corporate partners. Their commitment to the Inn enables us to make a significant impact in the lives of individuals in the housing crisis. Together, we are striving to build a future filled with hope and drive positive transformation within our community.