What We Do

What We Do

We Provide

Food & Shelter

  • Overnight shelter
  • Three meals per day and beverages throughout the day
  • Lockers for registered overnight guest belongings
  • Showers and Laundry
  • Access to clothing and personal care items
  • Access to transportation
  • Access to computers, phone, internet, and TV

Health Care & Medical Aid

  • Over-the-counter medication
  • CCHC service every Wednesday
  • On-site support from Public Health mobile outreach
  • Weekly medical clinic, including COVID vaccinations
  • Ongoing partnerships with other health and social service agencies to provide services on-site

Support & Counselling

  • Identification replacement
  • Community service referrals and advocacy
  • Systems navigator access (partnership with CMHA)
  • Peer Support

Reach out Today!

If you are looking to get in touch about shelter support, fundraising, ways to donate, volunteering, or any other topic related to our program and services, we are here to assist.