What We Do

Food & Shelter
  • Overnight shelter
  • 3 meals per day and beverages throughout the day
  • Lockers for registered overnight guest belongings
  • Showers and Laundry
  • Access to clothing and personal care items
  • Access to transportation
  • Access to computers, phone, internet and TV
Health Care & Medical Aid
  • Over the counter medication
  • Weekly medical clinic including COVID vaccinations
  • On site support from Public Health mobile outreach
  • Weekly medical clinic including COVID vaccinations
  • Ongoing partnerships with other health and social service agencies to provide services on site
Support & Counselling
  • Identification replacement
  • Community service referrals and advocacy
  • Access to computers, phone, internet and TV
  • Weekly medical clinic including COVID vaccinations
  • Systems navigator access (partnership with CMHA)
  • On site support from Public Health mobile outreach
  • Peer Support
  • ongoing partnerships with other health and social service agencies to provide services on site